Dowen Jocson is a Pesticide Safety Educator at Washington State University's Pesticide Resources and Education Program. She received her PhD in Entomology from Washington State University. Her dissertation focused on the use of substrate-borne vibrations as a mating disruption tool for a major pear pest, the pear psylla, under the guidance of Dr. David Crowder and Dr. Betsy Beers.
She has successfully recorded the male songs produced by the pear psylla, which has not been previously recorded. Songs of C. pyricola sound similar to songs of their close relative C. pyri; both pests of pear.
Dowen received her Master of Science in Biology from Saint Louis University advised by Dr. Kasey Fowler-Finn. Her thesis investigated the temperature effects on mating behaviors of Enchenopa binotata treehoppers. She also received her Bachelor of Science in Biology: Plant Science track from Saint Louis University where she did her undergraduate research on the reproductive success of two color morphs of Viola pedata following controlled burns under the supervision of Dr. Peter Bernhardt.
Jocson, D.I., Gonzales, M.T., Horton, D., Nottingham, L., Beers, E., Oeller, L., Crowder, D. Characterizing substrate-borne vibrational mating signals produced by pear psylla. 2023. Journal of Insect Behavior. Published [PDF]
Leith, N.T., Jocson, D.I., Fowler-Finn, K.D. 2019. Temperature-related breakdowns in the coordination of mating in Enchenopa binotata treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae). Ethology. Published
Jocson, D.I., Smeester, M., Leith, N.T., Macchiano, A., Fowler-Finn, K.D. 2019. Temperature coupling of mate attraction signals and female mate preferences in four populations of Enchenopa treehopper (Hemiptera: Membracidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Published [PDF]
Bernhardt, P., Edens-Meier, R., Jocson, D., Zweck, J., Ren, Z., Camilo, G.R., Arduser, M. 2016. Comparative floral ecology of bicolor and concolor morphs of Viola pedata (Violaceae) following controlled burning. Journal of Pollination Ecology. Published [PDF]
Dowen Jocson
Department of Entomology - Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-6382 USA
Phone: (509)-335-4219